26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

ANAP celebrates its 62nd anniversary in Pedro Betancourt.

The members of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) of the municipality of Pedro Betancourt are developing a varied programme of activities to commemorate the 62nd birthday of the Cuban farmers’ organisation.

With the presence of the highest local authorities, the Cooperative of Credit and Services (CCS) Leovigildo Sierra Baró, of the Popular Council Manuelito became the stage to celebrate the municipal act for the foundation of this organisation and in the primary school «17 de Mayo» a Pioneer Camp was constituted to guarantee the integral formation of its pupils, to foment in them the interest for the study of agricultural specialities and to contribute to the socio-economic development of Pedro Betancourt.


Also noteworthy was the exchange at the CCS José Díaz Márquez with the advanced producer Frank Fernández, owner of a diversified farm and part of the Agroecological Movement of Farmer to Farmer, and the inauguration of the History Room of the Municipal Committee of ANAP, where, among other figures, the legacy of the martyr Gustavo González Pérez was extolled.

Likewise, there was no lack of recognition for the organisation and, together with the category of Outstanding obtained by the territory in the integral emulation for the 17th of May, the CPA Héroes del Moncada of the Bolondrón Popular Council was awarded Vanguardia Provincial, the Betancourean cooperativists were stimulated for fulfilling their indicators in local food production and the municipal secretariat of the Cuban Women Federation congratulated the ANAP for the combined work between the two organisations.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.


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