6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Ciénaga de Zapata puts its tourists in safekeeping.

To the destination of Varadero were diverted the guests staying in this locality, one of the measures put in place before the presumable affectations that could be caused by the passage of the climatological event Rafael in the province of Matanzas.

Guests staying in Varadero were diverted to the destination of Varadero, one of the measures put in place in view of the presumed effects that could be caused by the passage of the climatological event Rafael in the province of Matanzas, said Magyuri Fernandez Oset, commercial director of the tourist complex in the southern region.

«We had in the Playa Giron hotel a group of Gaviotatur circuit, some online sales and an accommodation of about a month, and all are already well protected in the Tuxpan, of the Cubanacan chain, in Playa Azul,» said Fernandez.

He expressed that as usual in the face of this type of phenomena, the extra-hotel activity has suspended all types of excursions, and has worked tirelessly in the protection of the assets, something that was done since the early alert phase, which makes it possible to comply with the indications in an efficient manner, which have been checked by the corresponding bodies.

«There is total guarantee to avoid losses in the goods and facilities that provide services, and, most importantly, customers are optimally protected in Varadero«, she said.

In the case of the extra-hotel activity, some 42 tourists had to be displaced to other less compromised destinations and notifications were sent to travel agencies to reorganize the programs in tourist regions.

The Popular Camping Site and the hotels Playa Girón, Playa Larga, Guamá and the Don Pedro Batey make up the quintet of tourist lodging in the Zapata Swamp, and an extra-hotel network composed of eight restaurants, a nautical base and five diving points. There are also hostels and rental houses, managed by the private sector.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.


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