12 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Inauguration of a children’s house in the municipality of Los Arabos.

The province of Matanzas advances in the development of the program of children’s houses, now with one that has just been inaugurated in los Arabos municipality, exactly in San Pedro de Mayabón.


The province of Matanzas advances in the development of the program of children’s houses, now with one that has just been inaugurated in Los Arabos municipality, exactly in the town of San Pedro de Mayabón.

It is Solecitos, finished as a salute to July 26, National Rebellion Day, a date that historically promotes investments or maintenance of works with social cuts, to raise the quality of life of the people.

«We continue to show the result of perseverance and commitment accompanied by the desire to provide the little ones and workers of the educational sector with a cozy place like the Solecitos children’s house,» posted the Facebook page La Educación en Los Arabos.

With this facility, the province completes two of the nine such facilities planned for 2024, a variant of early childhood education in the institutional modality that already extends to several of the thirteen municipalities of this western territory.

The experience of children’s homes is a program that was resumed in 2021, with the purpose of responding to the deficit of circles and alleviating the situation faced by the family with the arrival of a child, and where children are attended to, children of mothers, fathers or guardians of entities that, based on their economic and material conditions, can allocate funds for their opening, maintenance and guarantee their sustainability.

Photos: Taken from the Facebook page La Educación en Los Arabos.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.




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