22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Circles of Interest exhibition opens in Pedro Betancourt (+audios).


Los educandos evidenciaron su destreza comunicativa y habilidades investigativas en las ponencias presentadas.

The October 28th basic secondary school of pedro Betancourt municipality hosted the municipal exhibition of Circles of Interest at the Leovigildo Sierra Baró Pioneers’ Palace in the town.


The students demonstrated their communication skills and research abilities in the papers presented.

The inauguration was attended by students and teachers from the Augusto César Sandino and José Antonio Echeverría centers, as well as from the Giraldo Díaz children’s circle, the Leonor Pérez Cabrera polytechnic and the aforementioned October 28th school.

This was specified by Magaly Garriga Flores, guide of the Palace pioneers.



On the other hand, Lázara Cynthia Gener Cazañas, president of the José Martí Pioneers Organization, urged to maintain this type of activities that promote interest in study and research in children, adolescents and young people of this municipality.

With an attractive and enriching academic proposal, the municipal exhibition of Circles of Interest became a space to showcase the work of local educational institutions and promote creativity, teamwork and knowledge of their students.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.









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