Commerce does not lag behind when it comes to bankarization.

The country is immersed in a process of bankarization and to this end, measures have been adopted and laws have been passed to promote the leap towards new forms of payment and commercial transactions.
The country is immersed in a process of bankarization and for this purpose measures have been adopted and laws have been passed to promote the leap towards new forms of payment and commercial transactions.
The Grupo Empresarial de Comercio in Matanzas is not lagging behind when it comes to bankarization, as Yosvani Padrón Rodríguez, director of the Grupo Empresarial de Comercio, said.
«We are still not as we want to be, because even our sales levels through electronic channels do not exceed 50 percent, which is the goal set by the highest authorities of the province.
«We must recognize our extra cashier service, today we have more than one hundred million pesos delivered by that means and this supports a lot to solve the problems faced by banks with tellers. Our unit, known as El Palacio, today does not work with cash, although they make cash sales there, that money collected goes through extra cash.»
Banking penetration is of utmost importance because it has a positive impact on people’s lives, providing them with access to financial services, improving the security of their assets and contributing to economic development.
Domestic Trade will report to the National Assembly of People’s Power
During the next month of July, the Minister of Domestic Trade will be accountable to the National Assembly of People’s Power. For this purpose, the trade entities are developing an action plan.
Yosvani Padrón Rodríguez, director of the Commerce Business Group, detailed such measures:
«Among the actions we have developed to improve commerce, we reopened the pizzeria El Louvre, soon we will open a children’s cottage in Jovellanos and one in Pedro Betancourt».
In the words of Betsy Díaz Velázquez, Minister of Domestic Trade, the rendering of account is an opportunity: «To have a new space for exchange with the population, the deputies and the delegates to the municipal assemblies; to transform our deficiencies with the collective thinking and contribution; and also to transfer to the people how much our labor collectives do, with a great daily effort of the workers.»
Written by Melissa Guerra.