6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Commitments and challenges of the Energy and Mines Union.

Committed to meeting production and service plans, Matanzas receives the 11th anniversary of the constitution of the National Union of Energy and Mine Workers (SNTEM), an organization born with this name on a day like this September 18th, but in 2013.

Committed to satisfy the production and service plans, Matanzas is celebrating the 11th anniversary of the constitution of the National Union of Energy and Mine Workers (SNTEM), an organization born with this name on a day like this September 18th, but in 2013.

El SNTEM se enorgullece de las proezas cotidianas de afiliados como los de la CTE Guiteras. Foto: De la Autora.

SNTEM is proud of the daily exploits of affiliates such as those of CTE Guiteras. Photo: From the author.


We have enough reasons to feel honored with the unparalleled dedication of the men and women of a sector accustomed to defy daily complicated circumstances, crises, meteorological events and an obstacle as big as the U.S. blockade, acknowledges Yanlys Yanet Durán Gómez, secretary general of the SNTEM’s provincial bureau.

The more than 5,600 affiliates from Matanzas, led by the capacity and talent of 1,283 innovators, are overcoming these challenges. They are the architects of feats such as the repairs in the shortest possible time at the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric power plant, which has been in operation for 36 years, since its first synchronization on March 19th, 1988.

According to Durán Gómez, the same dedication and intelligence with which difficulties are overcome at the CTE Guiteras is multiplied in the collective of the Empresa de Perforación y Reparación Capital de Pozos de Petróleo y Gas, Empercap, and in the Energás Varadero plant, our two national vanguard centers for the results of 2023.

This year, fundamental investments are being made, such as the photovoltaic solar parks, one of them, Jovellanos II, which will have 21.87 megawatts (MW) of power, and next week the earthworks are expected to begin for the one to be located in Hoyo Colorado, in the municipality of Martí.


One of the challenges of these days, he says, is to make the emulative movement run like clockwork, in order to promote the quality and compliance with the deadlines of the Jovellanos II project and the one that is about to begin, as well as to continue improving the integral attention to the men and women who participate in the construction of these solar parks and also to all those who have to do with the generation and the electric grids.

For all this to materialize effectively, he explains, we must optimize the organic functioning and, above all, improve the solution to the workers’ complaints, due to the negative impact that an unanswered complaint or a delayed solution tends to have on the work environment.

Yanlys Yanet Durán González. Foto: Tomada de su cuenta de Facebook.

Yanlys Yanet Durán Gómez, secretary general of the SNTEM’s provincial bureau.


For Durán Gómez, the key is to take a fast track in the concerns, so that the workers work without having productive reserves and give their all to fulfill the plans and income, and the workers can receive income according to how they participate in the creation of wealth.

As it is already traditional, he specifies, the day of homage to this eleventh anniversary of the creation of the SNTEM has been seasoned with work in the production of food, blood donations, and political activities and are ideal days to reward the labor performance.

Although Durán Gómez said that the main event will be held at the Havana Electric Company, special morning meetings will be held in each collective, in many of which George Batista, the late union leader for several years at the head of this union in the country and who left an important legacy of consecration, will be remembered in a particular way.

Other companies such as the Oil Production and Extraction Center (EPEP-C), and the territorial division of Fuel Commercialization integrate the range of entities in a key province in the productive and service structure of such a strategic sphere, with an essential labor force in the daily life of any society.

With a satisfaction that she does not hide, the young Durán Gómez ponders the example that the Heroes of Labor of the Republic of Cuba, Daniel Santos, José Luis Silva and Alejandro Ventosa, who always guide us, represent for every day.

Because of them, and because of the commitment with the Homeland, from the union we call to fulfill all the commitments, as a greeting to the provincial Conference 22nd Congress of the CTC and its final sessions next year.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.







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