6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Council of Government Debate in Matanzas on prevention and social attention.

The differentiated attention to children and young people, especially those disconnected from study and work, as well as the priority deserved by the more than four thousand diners of the Family Care System and the more than 800 older adults cared for in care institutions were also the subject of analysis.

A deep and critical debate on the challenges of prevention and social attention in the province of Matanzas marked the session of the Provincial Council of the Government, a session led on Wednesday by Governor Marieta Poey, and chaired by Mario Sabines Lorenzo, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the territory.

The report showed that there are more than 104 communities and 61 thousand families in the province that need to be monitored because they are in a situation of vulnerability. Emphasis was also placed on the need for comprehensive actions to stop the increase in the number of minors involved in criminal acts, and to reverse the non-execution of budgets allocated for social assistance and attention.

Among the achievements that deserve to be extended, the report acknowledged as positive the delivery of various household appliances and the more than 2,800 families favored in the province with the delivery of other resources such as mattresses, backpacks, food modules and footwear.

The differentiated attention to children and young people, especially those who are not involved in studies and work, as well as the priority given to the more than four thousand diners of the Family Attention System and the more than 800 elderly people assisted in shelters were also analyzed.

The promotion of job fairs, the close link between social workers and district delegates, as well as perfecting the role of educational, health and cultural institutions and workers in the promotion of values, good practices and healthy recreation, were topics analyzed by the members of the Council.

Among other issues, the Provincial Government Council also analyzed the progress of the banking process in the province, the control of tax evasion, macroeconomic development indicators and the fulfillment of housing construction plans and the local production of construction materials.

Written by Gabriel Torres.





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