11 de diciembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

From the municipality to the nation (+photos).

With 24 population settlements, four of them urban and 20 rural, Martí municipality in the province of Matanzas is betting on economic-productive and social progress based on a better use of its local potentialities.


With 24 population settlements, including four urban and 20 rural ones, Martí municipality in Matanzas province is committed to economic, productive and social progress based on a better use of its local potential.

The project, Global Action for Climate Change in Cuba: Municipality of Martí towards a carbon-neutral sustainable development, which is promoted there, allows working on programs such as food and renewable energy sources.


In a rural environment such as the one in which the pig farming business unit is located, the installation of plugged lagoon biodigesters is an ideal strategy to avoid soil, water and air pollution, as well as to obtain clean and renewable energy.


This bioenergy allows the realization of activities related to production and services, food cooking, lighting and operation of household appliances and industrial equipment in the locality and even the delivery of energy to the National Electromagnetic System.

Planta para obtener Biometano

Plant to obtain biomethane.

In this sense, the only limiting factor is the decrease in pig production and insufficient harvests, which provide the essential raw material for the biodigesters.

However, the project stimulates these productions that result in greater food and economic sovereignty, as well as greater energy independence.

The biomethane that allows the movement of special buses with a capacity of up to 50 passengers that would arrive to revive the depressed public transportation in the Martí territory.

Ómnibus especiales para funcionar con biometano.

Special buses to run on biomethane.

With all this and the creation of new jobs, especially for women and young people, together with the capacity of the territory to manage local sustainable development projects and productive chains, Marti shows that it is possible to conceive the progress of the municipality to the nation.

Written by Ana González Goicochea.







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