My Collective emulative movement Contributes to Food Production.

My Collective Contributes aims to contribute to the elimination of 16,159 hectares of idle land, which would undoubtedly help increase food production, reduce inflation and lower prices.
Aware of how much remains to be done in this strategic matter, the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) and its unions are promoting the political-emulative movement Mi Colectivo Aporta a la Producción de Alimentos (My Collective Contributes to Food Production), an alternative already implemented in the 13 municipalities, some with greater progress than others, «but all with possibilities of making much more progress, because conditions exist,» said Osmar Ramírez Ramírez, general secretary of the workers’ organization in the province.
Ramírez described food production as a priority task, and this movement is tacit evidence of the use of mobilization springs to motivate the fulfillment of the plans, he said. However, he considered that progress is being made, although it is very far from obtaining a result similar to what is needed.
Precisely, Mi Colectivo Aporta intends to contribute to the elimination of the 16,159 hectares of idle land, which would undoubtedly help to increase food production, decrease inflation and lower prices, so that wages recover their purchasing power, Ramírez reasoned.
«In conjunction with the authorities of Agriculture, we identified 328 entities with possibilities of requesting idle lands and cultivating them for self-consumption, and thus alleviate the food purchase bills, improve the offers in workers’ canteens and even favor the sale to workers,» he explained.
According to the report presented at the Provincial Conference 22nd Congress of the CTC, up to November of last year only 199 plots had been acquired, 129 are pending and 16 are in process, «a sign of the slow progress of the task, which demands from the unions greater demands to the administrative directions».
Among the municipalities in arrears are: Jagüey Grande, Martí, Unión de Reyes, Colón, Pedro Betancourt and Jovellanos, and among the entities of the ministries of Energy and Mines, Culture, Tourism and Public Health.
Ramírez associated the fulfillment of the spring planting campaign to the positive responses given by labor collectives to calls for labor change, voluntary and productive work.
«We plan to maintain this optimum behavior in 2025, the year of the final sessions of the organic process of the 22nd Congress of the CTC».
Written by Yadiel Barbón.