11 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

«Open Doors» this Saturday at the University of Matanzas


The board of directors of the University of Matanzas invites students graduating from pre-university or technical-professional education to participate this Saturday in its Open Doors space, an initiative to be held at the academic headquarters with the aim of providing detailed information on undergraduate programs to which students can have access.

According to Yanli Rodríguez Veiguela, Vice Rector of the University, the exchange, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. and in which the families of the young people will also be able to participate, will include a dialogue with the directors, teaching staff and a representation of university students about the profiles of the different careers and higher technical courses available, and they will be able to learn about other topics of professional interest.

The meeting will also be an opportunity for future higher education students to learn about the certification levels of the  institution in Matanzas, its most significant scientific results and to exchange with leaders and heads of study centers.

According to the Doctor in Economic Sciences, this exercise is part of the broad strategy developed by the academy together with the municipal university branches, aimed at strengthening vocational training and professional orientation of high school students.

Likewise, and simultaneously from the official web page of the institution https://www.umcc.cu/, a debate forum on Higher Education Admission will be held to promote the exchange and answer questions or concerns of students and their families.

Written by Yovana Baró Álvarez.

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