18 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Organic products will be essential for the cold season.

Iniciará la cosecha este 3 de marzo en 63 hectáreas, de las 315 sembradas, cuya inversión abarcará unas mil 300 en la primera etapa.



In the current cold season in the province of Matanzas, more than 30 thousand hectares (ha) of land of various crops such as grains, vegetables and vegetables that will ensure food for the coming year should be planted.

Of this figure, 25,400 hectares belong to the agricultural sector, which has the machinery and producers to face the important agricultural campaign, according to Carlos Luis Naranjo Suárez, delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture in Matanzas.

The specialist argued that in spite of the fuel limitations, a thousand hectares of plantain will be planted in December, a basic food crop for Cubans.

According to the executive, so far the area under irrigation machine that had been prepared has been planted and there are no high volumes of chemical fertilizer available, so the main bet will be on agro-ecology and biofertilizers, such as worm humus and organic matter.

In the case of biological products to combat pests, the province has 11 Entomophagous and Entomopathogen Reproduction Centers (CREE).

In addition to the above, the plant of the company LABIOFAM Matanzas and the distribution of these products in the commercial centers of the Grupo Empresarial de Logística del Ministerio de la Agricultura (Gelma) will allow producers to have access to them.

In addition, the soil and plant health departments will work in the field training producers who need it on the use of biological means.

Written by Yunielys Moliner Isasi.


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