12 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Pedro Betancourt’s producers’ commitment to local development (+audio and photos).

The first secretary of the Party and provincial governor Mario Sabines Lorenzo and Marieta Poey Zamora went to the farms of the advanced producers of rustic crops and tobacco Erik Gómez and Katys Leidys Riquene Rojas, respectively, as part of their most recent tour of Pedro Betancourt municipality.

The party’s first secretary and provincial governor, Mario Sabines Lorenzo and Marieta Poey Zamora, visited the farms of the advanced producers of rustic crops and tobacco, Erik Gómez and Katys Leidys Riquene Rojas, respectively, as part of their most recent tour of Pedro Betancourt municipality.

Accompanied by the main political and governmental authorities of the territory, the visitors verified the excellent quality of the tobacco plantation of Riquene Rojas in the 5th district of the municipal capital, and during the exchange with Gómez in the 34th district of the «Bolondrón» Popular Council, they urged to increase the production of rustic crops and to continue applying measures aimed at reducing prices.

Likewise, the leaders referred to the importance of exploiting endogenous resources in order to boost local food production and municipal self-sufficiency, but not before congratulating the Betancoureño people for solving the complex economic situation facing the nation with intelligence, quality results and good production indicators in the agricultural sector.

The meeting also highlighted the commitment of the producers to the development of the town through increased production and crop diversification, which will allow them to offer food and other products at affordable prices for the community, while promoting economic growth and improving the living conditions of the  population.


Photos: Taken from the profile of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in Pedro Betancourt.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.



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