13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Promoting gender equality to prevent sexual violence.

Sexual violence is an unacceptable act that causes profound physical and psychological harm to victims.

Sexual violence is an unacceptable act that causes profound physical and psychological harm to the victims. It is important that society condemns and combats this type of behavior by supporting the victims and punishing the aggressors in an exemplary manner.

How to identify if we are victims of aggression, abuse or sexual harassment? Prosecutor Idania Ferrer Miranda, a specialist in criminal law, explains.

«One of the most serious is sexual aggression, which is the one that is carried out by means of force, violence, intimidation against any person, maintaining carnal access, but we also have others such as abuse, which does not reach carnal access, but it is touching, caresses to minors or in situations of disability and that also have certain sanction and other figures such as sexual harassment and outrage and also the corruption of minors».

When an act of sexual violence occurs, the Cuban state guarantees rights to the victims so that the criminal process is as smooth as possible.

«The victim is widely protected in our legislation. The victim’s rights were expanded and in that sense, in the first place, not only the person directly affected is considered a victim, but it can be at a certain moment if he/she has died or his/her descendants, it can be another person who at a certain moment is affected by the commission of the crime, but the victim of violence, of sexual aggression is protected from the point of view that the criminal act is investigated to try to get to the truth and of course to punish those responsible.

«She has the possibility of hiring lawyers, this lawyer can appear in person, can review proceedings; the victim through her lawyer can propose evidence, can appear in court, this lawyer, even, together with the prosecutor can exercise the criminal action.»

The Cuban State promotes education based on respect and gender equality to prevent sexual violence and create a culture of denunciation.

Institutions must guarantee the protection of victims and facilitate their access to justice without revictimizing them or questioning their testimony.

Written by Melissa Guerra.




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