26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Record honey production in Matanzas.


The basic business unit (UEB) Apícola de Matanzas recorded 320.4 tons (t) of honey in April, the highest production ever, according to the entity’s director, Rubén Lugo Tanquero.

He explained that the record was determined by the incidence of rains in March, which generated an early peak of flowering and made it possible to obtain this result in the municipality of Ciénaga de Zapata, where there are 20,000 hives and where the main contributions are concentrated.

«For this year we have a plan of 1,570 tonnes and at the end of April 560 tonnes were produced, as a result of deliveries from the 108 producers in the province,» Lugo Tanquero stressed.

He regretted the negative impact of the fuel crisis on the collection of wax and pollen, however, he said, actions are being taken to reverse the situation, to the extent that the energy conditions are being solved.

The director of the Beekeeping UEB praised the ecological condition of bee honey, produced in a natural ecosystem and without the application of chemical products to the environment, which enhances its value on the international market, where it is in high demand.

The beekeepers of Matanzas continue to demonstrate their high commitment to export, a destination to which they continue to deliver large quantities, while other honey is marketed in the network of establishments with the La Colmena brand, in the retail trade or used in the production of natural medicines.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.



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