26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The University of Matanzas’ Centre for Anticorrosives and Surfactants has a wide range of applications.

The Center for Anticorrosives and Surfactants of the University of Matanzas produces important products to attack corrosion on various metal surfaces and has a wide range of products used in various companies in the country.

A phosphate solution for cleaning steel affected by corrosion is one of the leading and most demanded products. This dilution is essential in a country like ours where most of the equipment and structures are located very close to the coasts and are affected by sea spray.


Its usefulness comes prior to painting processes, the equipment needs to receive a surface cleaning, it is not correct to paint on a surface that is affected by corrosion.

«Among the useful sectors are the construction industry, which works with steels; in transport; in sheet metal maintenance; in any type of industrial assembly that is affected and needs to have its surface cleaned as well. It is also used in the Guiteras thermoelectric plant for maintenance and in the fuel trading company, because these are sectors that have many metal structures, constantly need to protect them and are close to the coast,» said Harold García Betancourt, the  director of the institution.


The company Vehículos Eléctricos del Caribe, located in the Cuban capital, is one of the companies with which they maintain commercial ties, as they assemble electric vehicles there and need our products.

They also trade with two companies based in the Mariel area, a foreign company dedicated to the production and leasing of scaffolding and BRASCUBA, a Cuban-Brazilian joint venture dedicated to the production of cigarettes of various brands.


The Mariel area demands this type of products because they are constructions with metal halls that have a short cycle of use and some of them have already been in use for years.


According to Harold, the centre is proposing new projections and he says: to continue working to perfect all these processes is our priority; they constitute new opportunities to acquire income for our University, the ministry and the country. We have very competitive prices according to international standards, so that is one of the reasons why customers choose to buy our products and services.


Written by Leydis Hernández Pelier.


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