22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Tomorrow’s rebels

Conceived as institutions to promote the preparation of future officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, the «Camilo Cienfuegos» Military Schools are pre-university centers of high prestige for the largest Antillean Island and the world.

Created on September the 23rd, 1966, the first of its kind bore the name of Military Unit 4914, a number that identified Fidel Castro Ruz during his stay in the Model Prison of the former Isle of Pines, and although greats such as Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz or Quintin Banderas were among the candidates to name these facilities, the Hero of Yaguajay was the one suggested by Raul Castro and finally designated to accredit these centers.

The inauguration was headed by Camilo’s parents and Commander José Ramón Fernández Álvarez, who served as head of the Directorate of Combat Preparation of the then General Staff of the FAR, as well as Captain Asela de los Santos Tamayo, at that time head of the Directorate of Military Education and Schools «Camilo Cienfuegos» of the General Staff.

Likewise, the first school year began with 351 students, mainly from the eastern mountains, divided between secondary and pre-university education.

It is worth mentioning that, although initially these centers were exclusively for men, with time it allowed the inclusion of women and the rule of having passed the ninth grade to be able to enter these schools was imposed.

The «Camilitos», as they are also affectionately called, were born with the noble goal of guaranteeing the integral education of those sons and daughters of the brave martyrs and combatants of the Rebel Army and the clandestine struggle fallen in the revolutionary deed, in order to perpetuate the inexhaustible quarry of officers of the FAR in our nation.

With a prestigious and qualified staff, its study plans include subjects of political-ideological, historical and military character that cement in young people important values such as humanism, ethics, discipline and internationalism, as well as comprehensive general culture and, fundamentally, patriotism and love for our history.

Undoubtedly, the «Camilo Cienfuegos» Military Schools are reaching their 57th anniversary of life preparing the rebels of tomorrow, with the vast conviction of safeguarding the achievements of the Cuban Revolution, the imprint of our Commander in Chief and, above all, the legacy of the one whom our country remembers as Lord of the Vanguard.

Photos: TV Yumurí

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.



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