22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The political testament of a man of all times

On May 18th, 1895, José Martí, the Apostle of Independence, was writing a letter to his friend Manuel Mercado at the Contramaestre, on the Dos Ríos estate, without imagining that these lines would become his political testament. Death was approaching dressed as a Spaniard, and his pen, in haste, was outlining the anti-imperialism that coursed through his veins.

«I am already in danger every day of giving my life for my country and for my duty – since I understand it and have the courage to carry it out – to prevent the United States from spreading through the West Indies in time, with the independence of Cuba, and to prevent them from falling, with even greater force, on our lands in America».

Perhaps he sensed the approaching end. He was aware of the danger his life was in because of the convulsive situation. But his place was not far from his beloved land, from his long-suffering homeland. And he remained there, at the side of duty….

«It had to be in silence, and indirectly, because there are things that must be hidden in order to be achieved, and if they were to be proclaimed for what they are, they would raise difficulties too great for the end to be achieved».

The love of the slave country and the need to do whatever was necessary for freedom took away the most precious hours of his life. He felt the absence of the warmth of his family and of his adored son. He died young, vigorous, full of yearnings and dreams.

«…I will only defend what I have as a guarantee or service to the revolution. I know how to disappear. But my thoughts would not disappear, nor would the darkness sour me».

Apostle, you can rest easy in your room of stars. Your pain was not in vain. You won millions of children in America and a people in this Cuba that followed you yesterday, honours you today and will think of you tomorrow.

Written by Tania Rosa Álvarez Acosta/Radio Llanura de Colón

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