An award for the most efficient.

The National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (ONURE) announced for the first time in 2025 the National Award for Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energies.
The overexploitation of fossil fuel sources, the excessive burning of hydrocarbons to generate electricity and movement, together with the environmental damage caused by this human activity, indicate that the rational use of energy has to be a premise in the world.
If we Cubans add to this the daily problems we face due to the low availability of oil, a phenomenon caused by the blockade and other restrictive measures imposed by the United States on the island, then consumption and energy efficiency must go hand in hand.
Even though it is very difficult to talk about comfort, production levels and quality of services with the reduced volume of fuel that the country obtains, in order to talk about efficient use of energy carriers it is essential to educate and raise awareness among the population.
In this endeavor, the National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (ONURE) convened for the first time in 2025 the National Award for Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energies.
The purpose of this award is to stimulate and recognize natural or legal persons who distinguish themselves in this economic-environmental process in the industrial area, whether private or state-owned, in the sphere of Commerce and Services, as well as in the educational and residential sectors.
For this award, which will be presented on March 5, on the occasion of World Energy Efficiency Day, ONURE specialists in the province provide the necessary consultations to make up the file that must include a brief description of the entity and its activities, the energy efficiency measures applied, energy consumption and its economic amount before and after the changes.
The savings achieved and the environmental impact for at least one year must also be shown. All these details will be evaluated «in situ» by a committee of experts.
According to Angel Núñez, director of the ONURE in Matanzas, those who do not obtain the award in this first edition will receive direct attention in order to improve the file for future calls.
Written by Ana González.