26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Approach to the legal-philosophical thought of Martí, Martínez Villena and Fidel (III).

In 1928 Martínez Villena was elected member of the Central Committee of the PCC, however he never held any official position, except as a member of this Committee, due to the prejudices of the communist movement of the time, and his own, that an intellectual should not assume the highest responsibility in that organization.

In 1928 Martínez Villena was elected member of the Central Committee of the PCC, however he never held any official position, except as a member of this Committee, due to the prejudices of the communist movement of the time, and his own, that an intellectual should not assume the highest responsibility in that organization.

After the death of Julio Antonio Mella, in 1929, by agreement of the Central Committee, he became the main and most active leader of the Party, developing an arduous work in spite of being acutely affected by tuberculosis.

Villena organized and led the first political strike in the history of Cuba that shook the foundations of the tyrannical regime, paralyzing the country for more than 24 hours on March 20th, 1930.

Later he travels to the USSR as a way to escape the terror unleashed on him and with the objective of trying to cure himself of tuberculosis.

In Moscow he worked in the Latin American Section of KOMINTERN and maintained a constant exchange with the theoreticians of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and Marxism, developing, in his inner self, a process of dialectical negation of Marxist conceptions and the theory of the proletariat’s struggle to adapt them to the conditions of Cuba in the 1930s.

He organized and led the revolutionary general strike that overthrew Machado on August 12th, 1933. He participated against all the advice of his doctor Gustavo Aldereguía in the reception of Mella’s ashes after the fall of the tyrant and that same year with his health very deteriorated, which forced him to stay in bed, he directed the meetings of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and actively participated in all the content and projects for the IV National Workers Congress of Trade Union Unity.

In December, he attended his last meeting before being confined in the Sanatorium La Esperanza, with his lungs destroyed by tuberculosis.

His thought was totally anti-imperialist. Also in his texts he offered a Marxist interpretation of the Cuban process, propagated the ideas of Scientific Socialism and denounced the expansionist policy of the United States.

Written by Dr Osvaldo Manuel Álvarez Torres.





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