13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

April 18th, a day of coincidences to emphasize respect for history.

Every April 18th is commemorated the International Day for Monuments and Sites, but in the largest of the Antilles, and especially in Matanzas, also on that date is remembered the mercenary invasion of Playa Giron, which began on April 17th, 1961 and ended on the 19th with a historic defeat to imperialism.

Every April 18th is commemorated the International Day for Monuments and Sites, but in the largest Antillean Island, and especially in Matanzas, also on that date is remembered the mercenary invasion of Playa Giron, which began on April 17, 1961 and ended on the 19th with a historic defeat to imperialism.

The Bay of Pigs Memorial Museum, which since its foundation more than four decades ago, allows to learn about the epic in Ciénaga de Zapata, will embrace the 63rd anniversary of the victory it evokes, after a timely process of conservation of the patrimonial armament it guards.
Daílys Collado Rolo, director of the Office of Monuments and Historical Sites (OMSH) in the province of Matanzas, confirmed that the process of restoration of the light and heavy weapons was possible with the timely collaboration of the specialized staff of the Museum and new economic actors.

18 de abril, día de coincidencias para enfatizar el respeto a la Historia

She commented that special attention is also paid to the obelisks that commemorate the sites where Cuban combatants fell in defense of the revolutionary project, which are being restored and cleaned.

The International Day of Monuments and Sites aims to raise awareness and make visible the wealth that humanity has in terms of historical heritage, as well as to promote the conservation and protection of the same; sense of action that in Matanzas, as a territory with extensive historical and cultural values, should be honored daily, in the most diverse scenarios, both before the centenary bridges of the so-called Athens of Cuba, as before the obelisks that remember those who gave their lives for freedom in Playa Giron.

Written by Yenly Lemus.





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