17 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Archives are faithful evidence of society (+audio).

Documents are the faithful proof of the occurrence of social, economic, political, natural and scientific, local and global events.

The accumulation of objects, writings and even photographs is more than a custom, it is a practice that allows us to know the origin and the various stages of development of humanity and on that basis to build the future.

Documents are the faithful proof of the occurrence of social, economic, political, natural and scientific, local and global events.

And in the individual order, they allow certifying births, marriages, deaths, driver’s licenses and material goods -such as property titles-, among other instruments that are key in legal processes.

Today, thanks to the new information technologies and the supports they offer, people have the possibility of filing records in paper and digital format. Advantages that save space and prevent historical documents from being lost due to physical deterioration or being discarded by their owners or heirs.

The experience of Alexander Rodríguez Coello, a specialist at the Matanzas Provincial Historical Archive, reflects that documents that were once treasured with love do not always have a good final destination.


Written by Ana González Goicochea.








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