Evolution of Gastronomy in Varadero Gourmet 2024.

The 14th edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival, which on September 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th will fill the exhibition spaces of the Plaza America Convention Center, is dedicated to defend, represent and evoke the evolution of Cuban Gastronomy.
The 14th edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival, which will be held on September 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th at the Plaza America Convention Center, is dedicated to defending, representing and evoking the evolution of Cuban gastronomy.
Master classes, workshops, cocktail and cooking competitions, music and joy are some of the ingredients of this important event, announced engineer Zulema Afá Tomlinson from the emblematic fairgrounds.
Conferences, master classes and workshops will enliven the Varadero Gourmet days. Photo: Taken from the Facebook account of the Palmares Company.
Organized mainly by the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR), the Cubasol business group and Empresa Extrahotelera Palmares, the event will bring together entrepreneurs and professionals linked to the commercialization, management and training of beverages and food from the state and private sectors.
Exhibiting the rich attributes of Cuban gastronomy through its history and identity are the purposes of an event that also brings together representatives from the eastern, central and western regions of the country, who will bring their most typical dishes.
Promoting the exchange of experiences among connoisseurs of the sector, and applying new trends in the positioning of the country as a destination of interest in culinary matters, will also animate this version of the Varadero Gourmet Festival.
Written by Eva Luna acosta Armiñán.