6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Flavored waters, guaranteed health.

These all-natural preparations can be integrated into our daily diet. It is a great alternative to abandon energy drinks or soft drinks, avoiding large amounts of sugars.


Cuba’s climate is always warm, even in the winter months, which is why we lose more fluid from our body through sweat, compared to what we ingest on a regular basis.

And the fact is that 70 percent of the human body is made up of water and it should be priority number one to stay hydrated to carry out our daily activities as well as possible. Opting for refreshing drinks that quench our thirst and provide us with a good dose of vitamins is the best guarantee to strengthen the immune system.

I always remember my eldest son’s father because he used to prepare flavored waters with seasonal fruits, and he also made them with rosemary, parsley, turmeric, ginger and vegetables such as cucumber, cabbage and chard. But he did not make them in the same way.

These all-natural preparations can be integrated into our daily diet. It is a great alternative to abandon energy drinks or soft drinks, avoiding large amounts of sugars that harm our body.

For example, pineapple is a perfect ally for these delicacies if we remove the peel and chop it into cubes, submerge part of it in a pitcher with water, we will obtain an exquisite flavored drink that helps our organs to release toxins.

In the same way we prepare lemon, orange, mango, pump fruit, melon and so all the fruits of our preference to hydrate, refresh and speed up the cleansing process that our body needs, while we get to nourish it with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

I had mentioned the flavored water with vegetables, an excellent choice, also very easy in its preparation, only that you must blend them with water and then, according to your preference, strain it. Also, if you like a different touch, add fresh leaves of aromatic herbs or grated ginger.

It is important to allow time for maceration to achieve an adequate concentration of flavor. The longer our fruit water is in the refrigerator, the more flavor it will have. If you prepare it at night, it will be perfect to drink in the morning.

As a general fact, it can be considered that women need two and a half liters of water a day and men, three. However, in summer, due to the high temperatures and when practicing sports, the amount should be increased.

The drinks we prepare at home will be much healthier than the ones we buy on the street. Knowing the hydrating and purifying power of water combined with the antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables will keep us away from diseases and other health ailments.

Combining it with fruits can help us avoid the consumption of sugary and alcoholic beverages.

Written by Noelis Santoyo Cobas.




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