From CTE Antonio Guiteras.

With the collaboration of specialists from other industries in the nation, work continues to identify and solve the malfunction of the regulation valves of the turbine of the Antonio Guiteras thermal power plant in Matanzas.
With the collaboration of specialists from other industries in the country, work continues on the identification and solution of the malfunction of the regulation valves of the turbine of the Antonio Guiteras thermal power plant in Matanzas.
Engineer Rubén Campos Olmos, director of the entity, commented that everything depends on pinpointing the exact origin of the failure and that its repair will take less time than the time required for the transfer to the industry and the assembly of a new pump.
As a result, the last steps are being taken to ensure that, if more time is needed, the one-week maintenance initially scheduled for September, aimed at increasing the power and stability of the plant, will be carried out.
In this way, the strategy, reiterated the specialist, consists of solving the problem in such a way that the generating unit is reincorporated into the national electric power system as soon as possible, with guarantees of remaining on line and increasing power.
Iisla’s largest unit block remained on line for 60 consecutive days, so that its generation program was satisfied and it is progressing favorably in preparation for the long-awaited general maintenance, for which the nation has provided means and resources.
Taken from José Miguel Solís Facebook profile.