10 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Haitian embassy strengthens ties with Matanzas’ descendants (+photos).

The Community of Haitian and Caribbean Descendants in Matanzas held a meeting with Vichy de la Fayette Thibeaud, Chargé d’Affaires of the Haitian Embassy in Cuba, on the premises of the San Severino Castle.

The Community of Haitian and Caribbean Descendants in Matanzas held a meeting with Vichy de la Fayette Thibeaud, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Haiti in Cuba, on the premises of the San Severino Castle, where the museum representing the UNESCO program The Routes of Enslaved People: Resistance, Freedom and Heritage has been located for more than three decades.



La distinguida Vichy De La Fayette, al centro, firma libro del Museo junto a Irene Batista, a la izquierda, y la dra. Isabel Hernández, a a derecha


The distinguished Vichy De La Fayette, center, signs the Museum’s book with Irene Batista, left, and Dr. Isabel Hernández, right.


Earlier in the morning, the visitor had exchanged with the management of the University of Matanzas, headed by the rector, Dr. Leyda Finalé de la Cruz, in which they discussed the links with the students of that country who study at the campus and the increase of work agreements in the academic line.

Upon his arrival at the San Severino Castle, its director, Dr. Isabel Hernández, gave him an explanation about the historical and patrimonial objectives of the museum, while touring the various rooms of the prestigious institution, where passages of the slave trade and the various conspiracies led by them against Spanish colonialism are exposed.

This was followed by a meeting with the current descendants. The diplomat gave an overview of the current situation in Haiti and expressed her interest in strengthening relations with the Matanzas community, presided over by Irene Batista Felix.

Interventions of the attendants demonstrated the solidarity bonds that exist between both peoples: study of traditions, realization of contests and Creole classes and investigation of resident figures in the province, as well as the possibility of speeding up nationality procedures that increase the link of Cubans with their roots of origin, experience that would be the first to be carried out at that level.

The distinguished visitor promised to return to Matanzas, whose people she described as welcoming and patriotic.


Written by María Elena Bayón.





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