17 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Increased facilities with Safer and Hygienic Tourism Certification.

The tourist upswing season underway in Cuba’s main beach resort has among its most valuable attractions the increase to 614 facilities with the Tourism More Hygienic and Safe (T+HS) certification, a real competitive advantage for this famous destination.

Nastia Valdés, delegate of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) in the province of Matanzas, praised the growth of centers that have received this type of category, which makes it easier to have the conditions to provide a safe and quality service in tourist accommodations.

With the aim of preserving the health and safety of clients and workers, MINTUR-MINSAP experts are working to ensure that one hundred percent of the rental houses implement the Safer and More Hygienic Tourism program.

Valdés added that these actions are in addition to the strategies to turn the Greater Antilles into a viable destination in terms of health and well-being, two values that attract foreign visitors to the island.

The Hygienic and Safe Tourism program was developed by the MINTUR in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and is based on compliance with the provisions established by the latter, as well as on the recommendations of the world tourism and health organizations, the operators established in the country and the Tour Operators of the main issuing countries.

The certification requires risk assessment, review and adaptation of the hygiene and disinfection protocols of the facilities; increased control, hygiene and prevention measures for personnel; extreme compliance with procedures to ensure food safety and for the appropriate adaptation of spaces and mobility, among others. It includes specific training and education for employees.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.


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