64 years after the first volunteer work called by Ché.

With actions to support food production and other socially useful tasks developed in educational centers and in several labor collectives, the province of Matanzas recalled the first day of volunteer work in Cuba, carried out at the initiative of Che Guevara on November the 23rd, 1959.
As in other institutions of professional technical education in the territory, students and teachers of the Leonor Pérez Cabrera Polytechnic, in the municipality of Pedro Betancourt, participated in the project called Cambio de Labor.
The initiative consists of dedicating one day each week to mobilize students and workers to help in the organoponic gardens, cleaning and sanitation tasks in centers and communities or other tasks of social impact that need to be promoted in the territory.
64 years ago, more than five thousand workers, peasants and students summoned by the Heroic Guerrilla went to Caney de las Mercedes to participate in the construction of the Camilo Cienfuegos School City, which would benefit 20 thousand children with free education and training.
From that moment on, Comandante Guevara de la Serna was always seen at the forefront in volunteer work, in the sugar cane harvest, cutting sugar cane, in industries, in the construction of important economic works, in the loading and unloading of ports and others.
That memorable day is today one of the most valuable teachings that Che bequeathed to the Cuban people and even in these difficult and complex times, throughout the country there is a call for collective and unselfish effort for the benefit of a common work.
Written by Yovana Baró Álvarez.