27 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Innovators and rationalizers to be recognized .

The National Association of Innovators and Rationalizers (ANIR) in the province of Matanzas presented its program of activities for the day of tribute to the men and women members of the organization, which is about to celebrate its 47th anniversary next October.

«The actions have the purpose of honoring the memory of our honorary president Ernesto «Che» Guevara, on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of his fall in combat,» said Yoansy Álvarez Baró, provincial president of ANIR.

According to Álvarez, the journey will begin on October 3, due to the collective of best results in these premises, in days designed to highlight how to deal with the impact of the U.S. blockade – which prevents the purchase of parts and pieces -, with technological obsolescence and import substitution.

«These will be moments to disseminate the best experiences and make the most of the spaces to discuss how much more can be contributed to boost the economic balance of this province, which is fundamental in the production structure of goods and services in the country».

Álvarez Baró mentioned the Women Creators Event among the most relevant activities, in the context of the XI Congress of the FMC, where meetings are also held to examine the work of associates, collectives, inspectors and outstanding organizations in the economy and defense.

The ANIR president pondered the saving of resources and money as indisputable contributions of the aniristas, which contributes to the increase of the productivity of the work from the reduction of material expenses, raw material and energetic carriers.

He called to turn the individual ingenuity into collective patrimony, so that the proposals of the associates can be generalized within the same sector where the initiative comes from, outside it, in the municipality and in the province.

He highlighted the strong innovative activity in the sectors of the Central Oil Drilling and Extraction Company, Energy and Mines, the Construction and Assembly Company of Works for Tourism, in Aguas Varadero, Geocuba and Health, where the Electromedicine technicians and the workers of Pharmacy and Opticians are leading the way.

Photo by the author

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.


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