Interior Ministry reaches its 62nd anniversary.
Today the Ministry of the Interior in Cuba reaches the 62nd anniversary of its creation. The congratulations for the combatants who are the shield of the nation in this municipality were sent in a communiqué by the delegate of the MININT in the province, Colonel José Antonio López Lugo.
More than 60 members of these brave ranks in the territory received decorations, promotions and distinctions for the date.
Yanisley Terrero Batista, a member of the Communist Party’s Municipal Bureau, also signified the integrity, patriotism, courage and commitment of these men and women willing to die for Cuba’s freedom and sovereignty.
The Ministry of the Interior was created by Law No. 940 of June 6th, 1961, replacing and expanding the hitherto Ministry of the Interior, inherited by the Cuban Revolution from the governments of the previous Republic.
The bodies and structures that are part of MININT perform functions of citizen security and the establishment of internal order.
According to the provisions of Law 940 of the Council of Ministers, the Department of Information, G-2, which would be renamed the Department of State Security, the National Revolutionary Police and the Maritime Police, which until then had been part of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, were attached to the Ministry of the Interior as General Directorates, as well as the National Revolutionary Police and the Maritime Police, which until then had been part of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.
This law also extinguished the Judicial Investigations Directorate of the Ministry of Justice, whose functions were transferred to the MININT.
Written by Chavely Dávila Dávila/Radio Ciudad Bandera