6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Matanzas delegates make a difference in final sessions of Trade Union Tourism Congress.

The final chapter of this organic process, which evaluates the management of the union in the last five years, is attended by 140 delegates and ten guests from hotel and non-hotel entities.

The 27 delegates from Matanzas to the final sessions of the Third National Conference of the Hotel and Tourism Workers Union (SNTHT) completed their first day of work with initiatives that surprised the rest of the participants from the country.

Gifts allegorical to this western territory were given by the Yumurinos, a detail very well received by their colleagues from other provinces, a gesture that went unnoticed by no one in the first day of operation of the great event, which will conclude tomorrow, January 17th.

However, much admiration was aroused by the interventions of the Matanzas leaders for the way they argued common issues in the country, among which are the serious problems with the workers’ transportation and its negative impact on the provision of services, the low application of salary incentives, the non-payment of the Economic Stimulation Fund at the Royalton Hicacos Hotel, among other claims.

The Matanzas workers took the floor in the presence of Yudith Rodríguez, member of the Executive of the Provincial Party Committee; Juan Carlos García Granda, head of the Ministry of Tourism; José Antonio Pérez, member of the National Secretariat of the Cuban Labor Central (CTC), and the presidents of the seven Superior Organizations of Entrepreneurial Management (OSDE).


Garcia Granda explained the priorities of the sector for a year in which «it is necessary to work to raise the competitiveness of Cuba as a destination and capture the foreign exchange demanded by the country, but for that, he said, it is necessary to raise the quality in the provision of services».

The final chapter of this organic process, evaluative of the management of the guild in the last five years, is attended by 140 delegates and ten guests from hotel and extra-hotel entities, who this morning held a meeting with MINTUR authorities.

One of the good news of the day had to do with the announcement of the approval of the payment of seniority to the teachers of the MINTUR’s training school system, formerly known as FORMATUR.

In the afternoon, the matanceros held meetings with the OSDEs of the entities to which they belong, where they were able to expose concerns such as the deep fluctuation of the labor force, which affects the sector so much.

Photos by the author


Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.


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