6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Matanzas prioritizes initiatives in vulnerable neighborhoods .

The transformation of these vulnerable neighborhoods is not only a material challenge, but an opportunity to promote a change in the residents life of the people of Matanzas.

Attention to vulnerable neighborhoods in the municipality of Matanzas has become a priority for the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power. In an effort to positively impact the lives of its residents, the local government has focused on transforming four specific communities: Paso del Medio, Caseríos de Mena, La Marina and Márgenes del San Juan.

In this regard, a total of 146 actions have been planned, of which 68 have been executed, achieving 46.5 percent (%) progress to date. The main goals are to improve the quality of life and bring about objective changes that will enable families to escape from situations of vulnerability.

The program designed to promote integration seeks to offer resources and employment opportunities while transforming the urban infrastructure. These actions are especially aimed at benefiting 930 families currently facing difficult conditions.
The comprehensive attention includes improvements in drainage, roads, and the construction of new homes, as well as the repair of critical buildings such as schools and health centers.

The approved budget for 2024 is 23 million pesos, of which 15.4 million pesos have been executed as of August, equivalent to 67.1%. This progress is encouraging, but also highlights the need to reconsider what has been achieved and what is pending for the coming months, as limitations in material resources affect the implementation of projects.

The municipality’s expectations are high, as could be seen in a recent review of the issue by the provincial authorities. However, while significant progress has been made, dissatisfaction persists.

The municipal government, according to Anselmo Díaz Muñiz, will continue to work to meet the needs of the population and overcome the obstacles that arise. The transformation of these vulnerable neighborhoods is not only a material challenge, but an opportunity to foster a change in the social fabric of the people of Matanzas.


Written by Gabriel Torres.




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