6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Mercedes, great-granddaughter of Juan Gualberto Gómez, dies.

The great-granddaughter of Juan Gualberto Gómez never lacked simplicity in her walk through life, and much less love for Unión de Reyes, a town where she always found in good protection the memory of the independence leader, friend of José Martí.

Mercedes knew until the day she was going to die, maybe that’s why, this July 12th, during her last visit to Union de Reyes, she insisted with vehemence to be taken to the monument that perpetuates the memory of her great-grandfather.

There, in front of the bust of Juan Gualberto Gomez, in the town where the famous patriot of Matanzas was born, Mercedes said she did not know if life would be enough to return next year. So true, so lucid, so clear-sighted, that she could even guess her farewell.

Mercedes Ibarra Ibáñez, biznieta dael patriota insigne de Matanzas, junto al periodista Yaudel Rodríguez.

Mercedes Ibarra Ibañez, great-granddaughter of the famous patriot of Matanzas, with journalist Yaudel Rodriguez.


If there is a word that well defines Mercedes, it is witty, and she also had a special gift for telling the story from the affections. Perhaps she left without knowing how necessary her anecdotes will always be. Those family memories that she shared with naturalness were pieces of Cuba, pictures of a family that engraved its surname in the genes of the homeland.

The great-granddaughter of Juan Gualberto Gómez never lacked simplicity in her walk through life, and much less love for Unión de Reyes, a town where she always found in good protection the memory of the independence leader, friend of José Martí.

More than talking about the excellent journalist or the illustrious patriot, Mercedes taught in her words the greatness of the human being that was her great-grandfather. In his experiences, one could discover the father of the family, the unbreakable Cuban, the boastful man who took care of his personal image and appearance.

Mercedes said that she would take care of her great-grandfather’s legacy until the last day of her life, and so she did. I remember her now as confident as ever, warning about the need for teachers not to let those men and women who forged the foundations of our country die in ostracism.

Fly high María de las Mercedes Ibarra Ibáñez, run there, to meet yours, who are also ours. With you a flower, the kiss of Cuba and the eternal memory.

Text taken from the author’s Facebook profile

Written by Yaudel Rodríguez Vento.



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