26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Municipal self-sufficiency: a major task in Pedro Betancourt (+audios).


Foto: Radio Mayabeque.


To correct the distortions that threaten the island’s economy, the country’s top leadership urged to solve the complex socioeconomic situation and improve the quality of life of the population.

Precisely, and taking into account the potential of Pedro Betancourt  municipality in the agricultural sector, the political, economic and social development strategy promoted by the main authorities of this town foresees, according to Oslay Díaz Pagés, deputy intendant of Food, to increase the productions, offers and services and, consequently, to encourage local self-sufficiency.
He also said that special attention is being paid to the production of grains, oilseed plants and vegetables, while seeking to increase the number of organoponics in the area.
In accordance with its fundamental lines, the strategy is thus channeled towards the production of food and construction materials, agro-industrial development, food sovereignty and security and the materialization of those projects that promote the socioeconomic progress of the municipality.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.


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