15 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

No need for massive mobilizations to clean up beaches and coasts.

If we don’t dirty them it is not necessary to sanitize, instead of making movements of personnel to clean them we should invest more time in creating awareness in not contaminating them.

This title is an understatement, of course it is necessary to clean and protect them, however, if we do not make them dirty we do not need to sanitize them, or at least with large mobilizations, so instead of making personnel movements to clean them we should invest more time in creating awareness in not contaminating them.

This process should be everyone’s purpose. It starts with the family, the school, the political and mass organizations and concludes with the application of the law to the offenders by competent authorities. To achieve the objective it is important to create the conditions with containers and the systematic collection of waste.

Recently I was in Varadero. Near where I was bathing there was a group of foreigners, no matter their nationality. They consumed beers, ate some sweets and when they left they picked up all the garbage and threw it in jabas, not only theirs, but also others nearby left by Cubans. This is education.

As long as we are not able to maintain the cleanliness, it will be necessary to continue with the mobilizations to clean up the beaches and coasts, but I do not consider it relevant to highlight them in the press, because they are the product of a generalized indiscipline.

Written by Enrique Tirse.


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