22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Pittsburgh and Matanzas: cities with 30 years of friendship

This morning, government authorities in Matanzas received the visit of a delegation of public officials from the American city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The guests are members of the Board of Directors of the Matanzas-Pittsburgh City Twinning Society, with a relationship that celebrates three decades of existence.

The leader of the delegation, Dr. Deno DeCiantis, expressed the joy of returning to Matanzas, and on behalf of his colleagues commented: «For us it is returning home, for others it is joining a dream».

From the Cuban side, he was received by Aliuska Lopez, director of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation of the Yumurian government, and Teresa Rubio, delegate of the Institute of Friendship with the Peoples in Matanzas.

The visit program of the American delegation includes a tour of educational centers, community projects and important historical and patrimonial sites of the city, such as the Junco Palace Museum and the museum «Al Esclavo Rebelde», in Triunvirato.

Regarding the latter, Ayanna Jones Board, representative of the Afro-American community of Pittsburgh, and member of the foreign delegation, recognized the significance of the African legacy in Matanzas and her interest in cooperating with the institution.

Pittsburgh and Matanzas signed the twinning protocol on February 20th, 1998, a fact that laid the foundations to reaffirm the relations that are expressed in visits to educational centers and institutions of this city.

Written by Caudia Ortega Valido.




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