10 de diciembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Prime Minister visits investments in Cardenas.

Accompanied by government and political authorities of the province and of  Cardenas  municipality, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz fulfilled on Thursday morning a work program in a strategic territory for its productive and service diversity.

He began his tour at La Dominica, the emblematic hotel that has undergone a long period of reconstruction, which is about to be concluded, and which is transcendent because the Cuban flag was hoisted for the first time in 1850.

The Facebook account of the provincial government posted details of the presence of the Cuban Premier to the Matanzas city, who was shown the Real 89 pharmacy, rehabilitated with funds from the contribution of economic actors to territorial development, the saving cure for the establishment in danger of collapse since 2015.


As published by the page of the Education communicator in Cardenas, in exchange with workers of the children’s circle Pequeños Guerrilleros de Kuang Nam, Manuel Marrero Cruz insisted on maintaining the care and conservation to preserve its good structural conditions.


Located in the 13 de Marzo neighborhood, the educational institution was reopened last June, after a capital repair that had among its gains an increase in capacity from 130 to 180 children, much appreciated by the working women of a municipality with a high working population in key sectors such as tourism, construction and oil extraction.

Expression of the will to continue increasing the offers in the also known as City of First Fruits and fruit of the potential of local development projects to boost the economy, the Prime Minister was in the restaurant El Litoral and in the service complex Ruinas-Paseo de Pinillos, works in progress.



Written by Eva Luna Acosta Arminán.

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