Provincial event held in Jovellanos to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the FMC (+photos).

Preceded by a day of productive work from the UEB Casas de Cultivos Protegidos, of the Vladimir Ilich Lenin Enterprise, the matanceras federates celebrated this Sunday the provincial act for the 64th anniversary of the FMC.
Preceded by a massive day of productive work from the Basic Business Unit Protected Crops Houses, belonging to the Vladimir Ilich Lenin Agricultural Enterprise, in this municipality, the matanceras federates celebrated this Sunday the provincial act for the 64th anniversary of the creation of the Cuban Women’s Federation.
With the enthusiasm, commitment and loyalty to the homeland that characterizes them, these true «Victors of the Impossible» celebrated, first from the furrow and then from the realization of their act, the 64 years in which Fidel entrusted the leadership and organization of the FMC to the eternal guerrilla of the plains and the mountains, the unforgettable Vilma.
The occasion was an opportunity to recognize the municipalities that were outstanding in the work of the organization, among them Ciénaga de Zapata, Pedro Betancourt, Cárdenas, Colón, Martí, Los Arabos and Calimete. For its part, Jovellanos was awarded the status of Vanguardia.
Likewise, several organizations that maintain close ties with the women’s organization received well-deserved recognition, as well as several political and mass organizations distinguished the work of the FMC in the province.
Cadres with an uninterrupted work of 5, 20 and 25 years or more were also honored, while several outstanding federates were given the card that accredits them as members of the Communist Party of Cuba.
The municipal secretariat of Jovellanos also received the recognition on behalf of the people of Jovellanos represented by its highest authorities of the Party and Government, while the member of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, Ramón Yuniel Gómez Medina and Governor Marieta Poey Zamora, presented a recognition on behalf of the people of Matanzas to the FMC in Matanzas.
In her opening remarks, after conveying her most sincere congratulations to the federates, the secretary general of this organization in the province, Odalys García Pérez, said «…the satisfaction of being members of an organization that 64 years later remains valid for the contribution made to the advancement of women, social justice and the promotion of gender equality in our country…».
At another point in her speech, she made a clear and precise exhortation to «… not to remain still or complacent, there is still much to be done. We still have to break down cultural barriers or mental schemes that underlie and end up belittling women…».
She also emphasized what still needs to be done: «…preventive action is required in the community, in the neighborhood. We must continue to identify the weakening of the grassroots structures, this obliges us to seek the most urgent and effective ways to revitalize them in the shortest possible time. Not to do so would break the logic of the deep social and mass sense of this organization», he concluded.
Along with the matanceras, the main party and government authorities of the province and the host municipality, the National Secretariat and other cadres of the political and mass organizations were also present.
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