13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Public transportation.

The issue of public transportation remains as a pending task and it is necessary, in our opinion, to rigorously punish those who fail to comply with the provisions.

The issue of public transportation remains as a pending task and, in our opinion, it is necessary to severely punish those who fail to comply with the provisions.


We live in times of extreme shortages and difficulties in which we humans have to unite and collaborate, among all, to mitigate the effects of everyday problems.

It is inconceivable that light state cars, some driven by administrative leaders, pass indolently by stops full of people waiting to get to work or return home.

Likewise, buses of all kinds, whose drivers drive in the middle of the road, often turn their faces away, in a sign of contempt, for those who are desperate.

These issues cannot be left to spontaneity, to the appearance of a charitable being, and there are some. It is necessary to fine, sanction, withdraw the license, as the case may be, to the indolent ones.

In this environment we need to include the cab drivers, fueled by the state, who drive empty on the streets, unconcerned, as if they were not Cubans, aware of the context in which we live.

The sharpness of the difficulties are increased, in countless cases, by the disorder, the indiscipline and non-compliance and even by the mistreatment of public officials, a subject that we will address soon.
Making life more bearable with public transportation.

Yes, it is possible.




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