18 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Tony Ávila to participate in Nicolás Guillén Colloquium and Festival.

Cardenal troubadour Tony Ávila will participate in a recital with Nancy Morejón, winner of the National Literature Award, as part of the activities of the 14th Nicolás Guillén Colloquium and Festival, to be held from the 8th to the 10th of this month.


Cardenal troubadour Tony Avila will participate in a recital along with National Literature Prize winner Nancy Morejon, as part of the activities of the 14th Nicolas Guillen Colloquium and Festival, to be held from the 8th to the 10th of this year, with the theme «My two grandfathers escort me», referring to the mixture of races described in his poem by the National Poet.

The venue will be the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba in the capital, where they celebrate the 90th anniversary of the collection of poems «West Indies Ltd», the 60th of «Tengo» and the publication of his famous «Poemas de amor».

Tony Ávila’s songs are characterized by their Cubanness, in which a social function that transcends taste and demands a transparent reflection can be appreciated, similar to the approaches of many of Guillén’s creations.

The objective of this 14th Colloquium and Festival is focused on promoting Guillén’s ideology, preserving its validity and national thought. To this end, it is intended to intertwine literary and artistic inquiries with the analysis of pressing issues such as raciality, gender and inequities of various signs, latent in human relations.

Written by María Elena Bayón.


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