10 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Tourism Trade Union Congress concluded.

Quality, Commitment and Efficiency accompanied as a purpose and not a slogan an organic process that demonstrated the usefulness of the union, and the need to respond in a timely manner to the demands of workers, so that the organization has the credibility it deserves.

Restoring the standards and competitiveness of Cuba as a destination is essential to attract visitors, reflected Party Politburo member and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, while speaking at the Third National Conference of the Hotel and Tourism Workers Union (STHT).

To that end, he said, a self-financing scheme was approved to the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) to gradually cover the needs that will allow what is offered to correspond to the category of the facilities. «This is a key issue, and to achieve it we must all collaborate,» he said.

However, he considered, these are different times, a time to innovate, if we really want to be competitive, and in this, he pointed out, the role of marketing is essential, which has to be transformed. «Travel agencies have to shake themselves up,» he said.

He called to review all the unexploited potentialities in each entity of the MINTUR, to design products, and to do everything possible to provide services and increase income for the country and the benefit of workers, insisted the Cuban Premier.

«Let’s start by solving the subjective problems that depend on ourselves, it is something key,» he said, after calling on the administration, the union and the employees to face with determination the manifestations of crimes.

Marrero referred to the importance of ensuring the political process of presentation and discussion of the economic plan and the budget, and to defend the proposed goals on a daily basis. Everything that helps to achieve them must be analyzed, he said.

The Prime Minister dedicated a few minutes of his speech to the unionization of private workers, which, he noted, requires the full support of the administrative directions. «The union cannot be left alone. It is necessary to advance and consolidate this type of organization, in order to promote the defense of the rights of these employees, which are sometimes violated».

The situation of wages and payment systems was also addressed by Marrero, from the perspective of analyzing causes and conditions that prevent an improvement in the levels of activity in each collective, more efficiency and profits, as key factors to provide a solution to the income of workers.

The Cuban Premier reasoned on how, under the same conditions of the U.S. blockade and resource limitations, there are facilities that make a difference, while others wait for resources to fall from above or for tourists to come in parachutes.

While explaining in detail the government’s projections to correct distortions, he mentioned objective number two, aimed at increasing and diversifying foreign income, which fundamentally refers to tourism as the country’s main exporter of services.

The member of the Political Bureau of the Party and general secretary of the Cuban Workers’ Central Union (CTC) Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento affirmed that this organization has the capacity to mobilize, contribute and push the performance of the economy.

«Our union leaders in tourism are people of battle, with commitment, who feel for the sector», he assured, while showing confidence in the transforming response that the STHT will give, so that it truly reflects a superior result of this, the locomotive of the economy.

The Third National Conference of the STHT came to an end this Friday, after two days of intense debates, where issues such as workers’ transportation, a better distribution of profits and application of their 11 destinations, the effect of the structure of Islazul on the income of the workers, among other issues where it was shown that the union needs to exercise all the powers it has conquered to better represent the workers, were discussed.

This is entirely possible because we have the union in our blood, said Amaurys Echevarría, from the Royalton Hicacos Hotel, a perception defended by Jorge Pupo from the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, who exemplified with the satisfaction caused by having repaired the housing of several workers with money from the profits or providing them with professional improvement.

A recurrent topic was labor fluctuation, an evil of Cuban society accentuated in tourism in the last five years, a phenomenon that urgently needs to be curbed, said the head of MINTUR, Juan Carlos García Granda in a day where it was announced that it is planned to resume the initial content of the system of training schools, known as FORMATUR, whose teachers were approved the payment of seniority that already benefits the force of the Ministry of Education.

The plenary paid much attention to the proposal of Arnaldo Díaz Hiedra, from the Sol Palmeras Hotel, in Varadero, to advance the retirement age in occupational categories of high physical expenditure and occupational diseases, as in the case of waitresses.

The influence of tourism in its link with communities and social projects were mentioned by delegates Esteban Alfaro, from Havana, and Lyosvi Val-llosera, from the dolphinarium in Cienfuegos, both from the Palmares Company.

The work objectives of the new STHT National Committee were evoked by Juilio Enrique Morales Verea, who was ratified at the head of an organization challenged to effectively manage its membership policy and promote training in a union where 40 percent of the leaders are newly promoted.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.





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