6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Word Factory, connected to popular education.

Dibujos, juegos y adivinanzas se incluyen en las dinámicas de Fábrica de Palabras. Foto: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Dibujos, juegos y adivinanzas se incluyen en las dinámicas de Fábrica de Palabras. Foto: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

«Words Factory» is an attempt to take advantage of the word in all its manifestations, the spoken, the written, the thought. Through it we can grow, learn, develop, communicate, I see the word as the center of everything, the center of life,» explains Tania Jimenez Acevedo, general coordinator of the young project.

The art instructor at the Héroes del Goicuría Special Education Institute, in the Peñas Altas district of the city of Matanzas, began the experience there and is now extending it to the community where she lives, in the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood.

Fábrica de Palabras es una experiencia cuyos mayores impactos, por ahora, están en lo emocional y en lo comunicativo. Foto tomada del perfil de Facebook de la Red de Educadores Populares Libélulas de Matanzas

«Words Factory» is an experience whose greatest impacts, for now, are emotional and communicative. Photo taken from the Facebook profile of the Red de Educadores Populares Libélulas de Matanzas.

It seeks the environmental initiative and personal growth, raise awareness about the care of Mother Earth and the diversity of life, as well as strengthen the general culture and school support through participation and horizontal dialogue.

«Because we are in a natural environment, because of the need to preserve species, the health of the place where we live and to form happy and responsible people, we founded the project that links children and their families hand in hand with popular culture and knowledge,» says the theater teacher and Bachelor in Social Communication.

«We work on the diagnosis of the community where we also focus on solving situations of elderly people with motivational attention needs; teamwork and unity are two aspects to be strengthened during the exchange dynamics», adds Jiménez Acevedo, member of the Network of Popular Educators Libélulas from Matanzas.

«In the case of the school, there are few resources, many of the things that exist are because people have brought them and I dress up, I paint myself, I make stories, we plant a plant, in each activity I change the action and try to draw attention to show the children that there are other ways of doing and learning without so many material resources, together with the librarians,» she says.

The Popular Education methodology is central to the project,» stresses Tania, «because it is a fair way of approaching people, the community, from an inclusive point of view, everyone participates, it is not that I am going to give you something, it is that there is giving and receiving, it is teaching and learning».

Drawings, games and riddles are included in the dynamics of «Words Factory», an experience whose greatest impact, for now, is in the emotional, communicative, in getting out of the everyday and undertaking actions that enliven and teach.

Written by Yenly Lemus.


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