1st to 7th: World Breastfeeding Week.

During World Breastfeeding Week, from August 1st to 7th, public health workers in Matanzas will carry out various activities to emphasize the importance of this necessary act.
Specialists will visit maternal homes and hospitals to talk to pregnant women and their families and explain the benefits for the child and the mother, according to Roberto Ulloa, a nursing graduate.
«Breastfeeding and working: let’s make it possible!», is the slogan of this 2023, a day where the effort is focused on showing pregnant women that this is the best option for everyone at home.
The advantages of breastfeeding include a lower risk of diseases such as asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes and sudden infant death syndrome.
Breastfed infants are also less likely to contract ear infections and stomach viruses. Breast milk shares antibodies from the mother with her baby.
Written by Dunia Bermúdez Sañudo.