14 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

62 years ago Cuba experiences the longest blockade in modern history.

Ilustración: Trabajadores

With 62 years, the cruel and inhuman measure has caused quantifiable damages for more than one trillion 499 billion 710 million dollars (according to the price of the dollar against the value of gold in the international market).

As early as October 16th, 1960, so early for the Cuban Revolution, the U.S. administration of Dwight David «Ike» Eisenhower imposed a commercial, economic and financial blockade against Cuba, a country that depended 80 percent on the U.S. market.

The unilateral policy was made official on February 7th, 1962 and to this day, far from ending, it is intensifying with measures that cover all spheres of life on the Antillean island and commercial relations with third parties.

An example of the extraterritorial character of that law are the more than one thousand refusals of foreign banks to provide services to Cuban entities for the purchase of food, medicines, fuel, spare parts for the national electro-energy system and essential consumer goods.

All this to depress the economy, generate material shortages and damage to public services, as well as to provoke dissatisfaction and despair among the population until the Cuban Revolution is destroyed.

After 62 years, this cruel and inhuman measure has caused quantifiable damages for more than one trillion 499 billion 710 million dollars (according to the price of the dollar against the value of gold in the international market).

It is the result of a policy of punishment, a genocidal act that flagrantly, massively and systematically violates the human rights of Cubans and the main obstacle for the development of the country, said Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuba’s Foreign Minister at a press conference on September 12th, where he denounced the aggravated effect of the U.S. blockade.

Plans aimed at preventing the entry of financial resources, the sabotage of the tourist industry, the invention of non-existent sonic attacks on U.S. diplomats and the persecution of international medical cooperation agreements, are reflected in material damages estimated at 5,056.8 million dollars.

The longest and most comprehensive blockade known in modern history has been denounced in the United Nations General Assembly by means of the draft resolution Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.

In every act that has taken place since 1992, this violation of the United Nations Charter has been rejected. On more than 30 occasions the Caribbean nation has received the majority support of the international community by means of a vote.

A Cuba in solidarity, without a blockade, would be too strong a threat to the interests of the empire.

Written by Ana González Goicochea.


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