17 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Alexis Plasencia and oil paintings on the body (+ photos).

Like all children Alexis Plasencia painted and drew. The strokes and colors filled an important part of the notebooks of his childhood, but he took the charm for shapes, pigments and figures further.

«Art arises in me very early. Since I was a child I was always linked to the different manifestations, first music and then visual art because the plastic arts captivated me very early. Crafts, making things, drawing, painting were always my greatest distractions, what I enjoyed the most. I had a lot of fun with a set of crayons and cardboard.

«At the beginning I worked a lot on drawing and painting; I was very interested in meticulous, academic, beautiful, precious, surrealist drawings, and I included fantasies with a million nooks and crannies and stories, very illustrative.

«At that time I created a very distinctive seal, those who had seen my drawings identified them. I already had a marked pattern, but over time it evolved into other creations».

A graduate of the third graduation of the René Fraga Moreno School of Art Instructors, for several years he has been in charge of the Visual Arts section of the Hermanos Saíz Association. He is also a member of the Cuban Association of Artisan Artists.

«I left Jagüey Grande, my municipality of origin, and arrived in the city of Matanzas with the desire to eat the world, to learn a lot. I was lucky enough to knock on doors where I was received with much respect and affection in places as important as the ACAA, which for me has always been a home.

«Also the Hermanos Saíz Association, where young creators find the boost they need in their careers, promotion. There we are more than friends, the family of the young artists of Matanzas.

«I did not lack people, institutions where my work was not recognized, loved and cared for. That’s where the magic began, with the background of having gone through a stilted human figuration and others that I brought from my stay in Venezuela, in the mission Cultura corazón adentro, with references and works on the body, I arrive in the city again I start a totally different line of work.

«I moved away from painting and I started with body painting and performance».

The interest in the human figure, seen through the canvas and body art, characterizes the work of visual artist Alexis Plasencia.

«Within my interests and expectations is to continue developing my career as a creator, as an artist and to continue improving the human being that I am.

«One of the greatest pretensions I have is to be able to catapult body art in Cuba, so that when people talk about body art in the country, my work is mentioned. I think it’s a path I’m building little by little.

«I put a lot of enthusiasm and love into this project, which is not only mine, but for the spectators, for everyone, for the country and for art, so that it can be enriched. Being consistent with my time, always in terms of creation is what motivates me, what makes me happy, what really excites me».

Fotos tomadas de Internet

Thematic, structural and format diversity, suggestive messages and the astute exposition of everyday issues of today’s Cuba are characteristics that distinguish the work of the young creator who prints fragments of the city on the great canvas that can be the human body.


Photos taken from the Internet.

Written by Jessica Mesa.








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