10 de diciembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Cubatur Varadero aims to conquer hearts in a Summer of Love.



An expert in creating dreams and making them come true, Cubatur Varadero travel agency intends to conquer hearts with a program based on rest, pleasure and knowledge. That is its plan to guarantee a Summer with Love, the slogan that presides over the current summer season.

No one explains it better than Evelín Ramírez Moraguez, commercial specialist of the Cubatur travel agency in Cuba’s main beach resort. «For this summer we have excursions to Viñales, Havana, Guamá, Playa Larga (Ciénaga de Zapata), Cienfuegos, Trinidad, El Nicho. And Santa Clara is also included.»

She announced the promotion of a program to visit the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba. There are four nights. «In addition, we are open to create other trips, at the request of clients.»

As part of the logistics, bus and guide services are guaranteed, who will explain the history of the most interesting sites and the services of each program, lodging, breakfast, lunch and dinner, as requested.

The offers can be accessed through the tourist bureaus located in Cárdenas, Varadero and Matanzas, in the La Sirenita store, in Calle Medio, in the Photo Service and in the Velasco Hotel, as well as in the municipalities of Colón, Jovellanos and Jagüey Grande, which are complemented by the offers through social networks.

For any doubts, queries or simply to obtain more details on the wide-ranging offers of Cubatur Varadero, the specialist said that they can be contacted by phone at 45 614436 and 45 614405.

Cubatur, the first travel agency founded in the country, is dedicated to the sale of hotel capacities and excursions to the foreign and domestic market.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.

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