6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Cultural day begins for José Martí’s Birthday.

Cultural institutions, work centers, schools, youth organizations in Matanzas will pay tribute to Martí on January 28th, the 172nd anniversary of his birth.

A special day of homage to our National Hero José Martí, on the occasion of the 172nd anniversary of his birth, begins in the province with activities of the Brigade of Art Instructors that bears his name, in the Houses of Culture of the municipalities.

Likewise, the presentation of the socio-cultural projects that will disseminate through plastic works, songs and dances the imprint of the Apostle of Cuba in the new generations is organized.

As part of the day of remembrance, conferences, forums, workshops, exhibitions of plastic artists, contests and other initiatives in social networks will be developed in the coming weeks to promote and disseminate Martí’s thought.

Martí went beyond the frontiers of his time and became the greatest Spanish-American political thinker of the 19th century.

In the sacred books of our history it is written that «he was a diplomatic representative of Latin American nations and writer of several publications. His high culture and special sensitivity allowed him to leave, at the age of 42, a vast written work of singular style and beauty, which constitutes an essential reference for its universality».

But, undoubtedly, the most significant legacy of José Martí for its redemptive impact has been the constitution of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, the newspaper Patria and becoming from the United States the maximum organizer of the so-called Necessary War initiated in 1895, with a marked anti-imperialist and pro-independence character.

During the 20th century, that ideology became the main basis for Cubans to fight for national emancipation until its achievement in January 1959 under the command of the Commander in Chief, its most fervent follower since the foundations outlined in the assault on the Moncada barracks and in the plea History will absolve me.

Cultural institutions, work centers, schools, youth organizations in Matanzas will pay tribute to Martí, on the coming January 28th, the 172nd anniversary of his birth.

Written by María Elena Bayón.


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