6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

PNR: 66 years in defense of the Cuban people (+audio).

Since its inception, this organization has brought together a large group of young people dedicated to the preservation of public order, civic tranquility and road safety.


On January 5th, the National Revolutionary Police, a key agency in the protection of the rights and freedoms of the Cuban people, and the executing arm of public order and citizen security on the island, celebrated 66 years of professionalism and efficiency.

This organization, fruit of the revolutionary project promoted by our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and continuation of the struggle of the Mambises and the Rebel Army to safeguard the socialist conquests, the socioeconomic interests of the Antillean State and the welfare of the population, has brought together since its inception a large group of young people dedicated to the preservation of public order, civic tranquility and road safety.

It has evolved not only in its structure and organization, but also in its approach to the community, adopting a more comprehensive model that, beyond mere repression of crime, promotes prevention and civil participation, in order to work together with the population in an environment of trust and collaboration to strengthen security and collective welfare in the midst of the socioeconomic complexities and challenges that afflict the country.

In this regard, we talked to Marina Yadelsy Morejón Aldama, deputy to the National Assembly of People’s Power and Coordination and Support Officer of the head of the Ministry of the Interior of this municipality, who in statements to our radio station addressed the relevant role played by the National Revolutionary Police in the socio-political scenario in which our country is developing.


The National Revolutionary Police reaffirms its dedication to safeguarding the interests of the Cuban people and perpetuating its zero tolerance against crime, while advocating citizen collaboration as an incentive to solve the socioeconomic complexities of the Island, strengthening the safe environment and preserving the stability and revolutionary values that have shaped its identity during its sixty-year existence.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.





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