10 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Culture as a bridge between the nations of the world (+audios)

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Cultural diversity is a source of exchange, innovation and creativity. We must therefore understand the importance of unity in diversity.


In a scenario as changing as the one that surrounds humanity, in the midst of genocidal wars, struggles to demonstrate power and times of hatred and death, culture has the ability to establish itself as a bridge of communication and understanding, a link to bring people together.


Rubén Darío Salazar, actor, director of Teatro de Las Estaciones, winner of the National Theater Award.

Culture as a creator of identity, generator of social inclusion, agglutinator and catalyst of diversity, generator of local specificities, promoter of social networks, promoter of participation, is central to the integral development strategy.


Luis Octavio Hernández, artisan, for many years president of the ACAA in the province, today coordinator of the Havana Biennial in Matanzas.

Cultural diversity, understood as the plurality of cultures that coexist in the world, implies, on the one hand, the preservation and promotion of existing cultures and, on the other, respect for other cultures.


Orismay Hernández, poet, improviser and improviser, director of Turarte.

City, citizenship and globalized world are concepts that today intermingle to create a new phenomenon that is not limited to a geographical territory but is combined with an inevitable orientation towards the external, as a concept and as a philosophy.

All of this implies turning our attention to processes related to the culture of diversity. A diversity that turns cities into a multicultural mosaic, that makes them richer, a diversity that turns them into an inexhaustible resource of citizen representations and that orients them towards proposals that have as a model the active combat of inequality and warmongering positions.


Cultural diversity is a source of exchange, innovation and creativity. We must therefore understand the importance of unity in diversity.

Written by Jessica Mesa.





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