14 de noviembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Díaz-Canel exchanges with political and government authorities of Jagüey Grande.

The president checked the strategy to advance economically, socially, politically and ideologically in Jagüey Grande municipality.

The president reviewed the municipality’s strategy to advance in the economic, social, political and ideological areas.

In making the evaluations, he pointed out the need to attend to the non-state sector and called for an increase in the number of militants.

Bankarization is also not advancing as expected in the territory and called to apply the established measures to achieve the objective of the program.

The member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee, Roberto Morales Ojeda, called to produce construction materials with local alternatives and to complete the cadres of the political and mass organizations.

In the territory there is a lack of control of prices, for which a greater confrontation and work of the inspectors is urgently needed, according to what was revealed in the meeting.

Other issues discussed during the meeting between the President and the main political and governmental authorities of the municipality and the province, are crime and cattle theft, food production and exports.

The first secretary of the Party in Matanzas, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, exposed the actions of the province to increase the sowing of agricultural products, trade fairs, policy of cadres, among others.

The governor of #Matanzas, Marieta Poey Zamora, also participated in the event.

Outside the Municipal Party Committee, people from  Jagüey Grande  waited for the President, who informed them of his visit and of the agreements to promote the development of the municipality.

Written by Pedro Rizo.


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