22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Figurarte presents El duende y yo.


With the premise of actively exchanging with children in order to achieve a more complete staging, the Figurarte project presented El duende y yo.

With the premise of actively exchanging with the children to achieve a more complete staging, the Figurarte project presented El duende y yo (The Elf and I). Mariam Costa and Pedro Rubí, who played the fantastic creatures, told stories with emphasis on the formation of values in children.


The children’s project, which belongs to Teatro Icarón, did not lack music and the little ones had the opportunity to try out their skills with the participation games.


Written by Arléen D. Matamoros.


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